Our roastery team are on exhibition till 30th of April. Products from our shop will be unavailable for this period. Thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
Parmi les pays producteurs de café, l’Éthiopie a un statut presque légendaire. Elle se différencie de tous les autres pays du café. C’est une «patrie» du café Arabica. Le café est encore souvent consommé dans le cadre d’une préparation «cérémonielle» pour réunir la famille, les amis et les couples autour d’une table commune. Le processus de la préparation du café naturel complète parfaitement le profil typique du café lavé, tandis que le processus naturel fait ressortir des nuances de baies.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot.
The Hafursa Haru washing station is located close to Yirgacheffe town, not far from the boundary with the Oromia zone. The area itself has a population of just over 195 thousand, of which only 8% are urban dwellers. There are 12 standardized fermentation tanks at the washing station, and over 169 drying beds. This allows for fast turnaround whilst keeping traceability of the lots, something that is becoming more and more a part of processing in Ethiopia as trade opens up.
The varieties themselves are often referred to as heirloom, though, having high genetic diversity means that what is heirloom in one area is not a guarantee of the same characteristics as an heirloom from another region. Kumie (kurume, kudhume) is often labelled as Yirgacheffe or Yirgacheffe type, and is quite a small bean, whilst Dega is more widely spread and Wolisho typical in the highlands.
Fiche technique
Poids | 1 kg |
Dimensions | 8 × 14 × 39 cm |
MARQUE | Coffee Ritz Arabica |
PAYS | L'Éthiopie |
RÉGION | Yirgacheffe |
FERME | Hafursa Haru |
VARIÉTÉ | Dega, Kudhume, Wolisho |
ALTITUDE | 2000 m |
CORPS DU CAFE | riche |
ARÔME | Agrumes, Baies, Chocolat |
ACIDITÉ | faible |
SCORE SCA | 88 |